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St. Peter’s Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool teaches a curriculum which recognizes that the instruction in the Word of God is the most important aspect. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33) All secular areas of the curriculum are taught in the light of God’s Word. “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him”. (Colossians 3:17)

The St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool 3K-4K curriculum program is designed as a two year program to prepare young children for kindergarten. The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards are followed by the Classroom Teacher to ensure balanced, non-pressured, and developmentally appropriate instruction in all five learning domains (cognitive, emotional, physical, language, and adaptive). Play-based instruction is implemented in all areas of the curriculum and written in weekly lesson plans by the Classroom Teacher. Children are given opportunities to work in whole class, small group, and individual activities. Transitions between activities are accomplished with a minimum of standing in line or in large groups. Student interests are explored and enhanced. Individual student needs are addressed and each child is encouraged to develop his/her God-given talents and abilities to the fullest within a loving Christian environment.

Specific areas of instruction include the following:

  • Word of God: Students are taught lessons from the Bible which reveal God’s plan of salvation to save fallen mankind from eternal death. “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) God’s promises to His people are taught through Old Testament lessons. Fulfillment of those promises in Christ’s perfect redemption is taught through New Testament lessons. Students learn Bible verses and hymns to remind them of God’s love and give the child opportunities to thank, praise, serve and obey their loving God.

  • Language Arts: Students study the alphabet to recognize letters, write letters, and identify letter sounds through a wide range of activities. Phonemic awareness is the key focus of the curriculum to prepare students for reading. Students are encouraged to take a library book home every day to share with their families. A strong foundation is laid where students may discover, develop, and enjoy God’s rich blessing of language.

  • Math: Students explore classification, seriation, sets, number, geometry, measurement, graphs, time, comparison (more/less), patterns, and money. Activities prepare students to use and appreciate math in God’s world.

  • Music: Students explore the concepts of rhythm, pitch, tempo, and dynamics (volume) through rhythm instruments, singing, and movement. Both sacred (hymns, songs, and Lutheran liturgy) and secular music are included. St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool students sing hymns and songs in church a minimum of four times per school year as part of the music and Word of God curricula. Information for singing in church will be included in the school newsletter a minimum of four weeks prior to the specific service. All students are to participate unless families are scheduled to be out of town on a given date.

  • Art: Students are encouraged to develop their creative talents through media including paint, chalk, clay, crayon, markers, colored pencils, paper, and glue. Concepts including balance, texture, color, value, line, space, pattern, rhythm, composition, and unity are explored and developed through a variety of daily projects. Children are led to appreciate God’s gift of beauty throughout His creation. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1)

  • Large Motor Skills: Children are given opportunities to develop their muscles through movement activities. Children crawl, run, walk, skip, balance, hop, jump, tumble, and roll. They use the parachute, run the obstacle course, throw and kick balls. Our fenced playground offers ample opportunities for large group, small group, and individual activities. (Students occasionally play on the north parking lot with parental permission. This area is marked with “Children at Play” cones when in use.) Students have outdoor play every day God’s weather permits, namely when temperatures are between 10F (including wind chill) and 90F (including heat index). Students may keep snow clothes (snow pants, boots, coat, hat, and insulated gloves or mittens) and outdoor shoes at school for outdoor play activities. (St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool does not have or engage in swimming/wading activities on or off premises.)

  • Fine Motor Skills: Children develop their smaller muscles through cutting, pasting, and coloring activities. Puzzles, blocks, play dough, stamps, and sandbox activities are used to develop muscles and prepare for writing.

  • Science: St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool believes and teaches that “by Him (God) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, by Him and for Him.” (Colossians 1:16) Students learn through hands-on science instruction to develop an appreciation of the wonder and order of God’s creation. They are also taught to become faithful stewards by using the earth’s resources to God’s glory. Nutrition, the human body, plants, animals, dinosaurs, and the senses are topics included in learning and activity centers during free play time.

  • Social Studies: St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool believes and teaches that God controls and guides all historical events from creation and the fall into sin (Genesis 1-3) through the present. Students are led to develop an appreciation for the blessings God has given us in the United States, to respect all cultures and races in God’s world, and to develop a proper attitude toward family, government and all in authority under the Fourth Commandment. Learning and activity centers during free play time are used to develop these concepts and values.

  • Field Trips: St Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool students take field trips approximately three times per year to further explore and enhance topics in the curriculum. (Trips are planned to accommodate and fully include students with special needs.) The Classroom Teacher takes emergency contact information, attendance sheet, and a first aid kit in case an injury occurs to children or Staff. The injury will be recorded in the Medical Log upon return to St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool. A cell phone is carried by the Classroom Teacher if help is needed, especially if a serious injury warrants 911 assistance and transportation to the nearest hospital. Fees for each trip may be requested. Parents or other responsible and licensed family members may volunteer to drive. Drivers must possess a valid drivers' license, provide proof of insurance, be equipped with car seats or be able to use provided car seats, and pass a background check. (St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Pre School does not take “walking field trips”.) Specific written information will be given a minimum of two (2) weeks in advance for each field trip.

  • Nap Time: Aftercare students will participate in nap time per State law according to the daily schedule. St. Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool provides a mat for each student. Students shall bring a pillow, blanket or sleeping bag, and may bring a stuffed toy from home. These items will be kept in the child’s locker located in the hallway. Student items will be sent home at the end of the child’s school week for laundering. Students shall rest for a minimum of 30 minutes. A child may then rise and engage in quiet play activities until the nap time period is over. Students who are still sleeping at the end of nap time may remain asleep until they wake and rise.

  • Screen Time: St Peter's Lutheran Tiny Treasures Preschool limits screen time to less than thirty (30) minutes per day. Screen time is included as part of the curriculum. Children are not forced to engage in screen time. Other developmentally appropriate activities are available simultaneously.